

Digestive Health

Fuel your company’s success by prioritizing digestive wellness in the workplace with our transformative program.

One in four of your employees will miss work this week because of their symptoms and discomfort.

With gut health directly linked to mental well-being, workers with digestive issues will decline in mental health, at risk for severe stress, anxiety, and depression.

An estimated 21% of the workforce has IBS or a digestive condition that greatly affects workplace performance

Why Choose a Digestive Health Program?

Digestive health isn’t just about individual wellness – it significantly impacts workplace productivity and effectiveness.

Our tailored 12-week and 4-week programs target digestive issues, offering weekly tasks, personalized coaching, and a wealth of resources through our online platform.

Individuals Seated On A Sofa Holding Food For Gut Health

Benefits of Digestive Health Programs for Employees

Much like different cars requiring specific fuels, dietary choices are unique to each body and its response. Digestive health can be a sensitive topic and workers who might not feel comfortable seeking help will benefit from a supportive program that proactively manages their health.


Increased Energy Levels

A healthier gut often results in higher energy levels, aiding employees in tackling daily tasks with renewed vigor and focus.

Improved Digestive Comfort

Our program helps alleviate common digestive issues, fostering comfort and reducing discomfort or digestive distress.

Personal Empowerment

Through education and support, employees gain tools and knowledge to take control of their health, empowering them to make informed choices for lifelong wellness.

Reduced Stress

A healthier gut is linked to reduced stress levels, allowing individuals to navigate work and personal life with greater ease and less tension.

Enhanced Employee Performance

A healthier gut often results in higher energy levels, aiding employees in tackling daily tasks with renewed vigor and focus.

Reduced Absenteeism

By prioritizing digestive wellness, employers can expect a decrease in absenteeism as employees experience fewer health-related issues.

Elevated Workplace Morale

A focus on employee well-being fosters a positive workplace culture, promoting satisfaction and engagement among your team.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Investing in preventive health measures like our Digestive Health program can reduce long-term healthcare costs and insurance claims for the company.

Benefits of Digestive Health Programs for Employers

Digestive health programs offer multifaceted advantages to the workplace. Beyond aiding employees in cultivating healthier eating habits, these programs actively contribute to bolstering mental and physical well-being, enhancing overall workplace vitality.

Enhanced Employee Performance

A healthier gut often results in higher energy levels, aiding employees in tackling daily tasks with renewed vigor and focus.

Reduced Absenteeism

By prioritizing digestive wellness, employers can expect a decrease in absenteeism as employees experience fewer health-related issues.

Elevated Workplace Morale

A focus on employee well-being fosters a positive workplace culture, promoting satisfaction and engagement among your team.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Investing in preventive health measures like our Digestive Health program can reduce long-term healthcare costs and insurance claims for the company.


Discover Our Most Comprehensive Program

Our program is meticulously crafted to address common digestive issues through a series of weekly tasks, personalized coaching, and a wealth of resources accessible on our exclusive online platform.

In 12 weeks, your workforce delves into a total immersion of their digestive health journey with time to absorb, reflect upon, and apply the knowledge gained.


  • Take the food sensitivity test to identify potential triggers and individual food sensitivities’ impact, and meet with your health coach to review results and establish SMART goals.

Week 2: Introduction: Digestive Wellness

  • Establish a food diary to track eating habits, gain insights into current digestive health status, and receive an initial assessment with a health coach to set personalized goals.

Week 3: Hydration and Its Effects

  • Increase water intake to recommended levels, learn about the role of hydration in digestion, and have a check-in with your coach to discuss its impact on digestive health.

Week 4: Fiber Fundamentals

  • Integrate high-fiber foods into your diet, explore the importance of fiber for digestive health, receive personalized tips from your coach on incorporating fiber-rich foods.

Week 5: Probiotics and Gut Flora

  • Introduce probiotic foods into your meals, balance gut microbiota for optimal digestion, and receive guidance from your coach on selecting the right probiotics for your gut.

Week 6: Mindful Eating Practices

  • Practice mindful eating during meals, connect the mind-body relationship to aid digestion, and receive strategies from your coach for mindful eating and its benefits.

Week 7: Elimination Diets

  • Identify and eliminate foods that cause discomfort, understand food sensitivities & their effects, & receive support from your coach in managing & tracking elimination diet results.

Week 8: Exercise for Digestive Health

  • Incorporate specific exercises to enhance gut health, learn about the impact of physical activity on digestion, and develop a custom exercise plan with guidance from your coach.

Week 9: Stress Management

  • Engage in daily stress-reducing activities, learn how stress affects the digestive system, & receive techniques from your coach for managing stress and maintaining digestive health.

Week 10: Sustainable Health Habits

  • Create a long-term plan to ensure lasting changes in digestive health, undergo a final evaluation, and set up for continued success beyond the program with your coach’s support.

Week 11: program wrap up

  • With the completion of the program, participants will engage in a comprehensive wrap-up during weeks 10 and 11, consolidating their newfound heart health knowledge and skills.


  • Report serving as a strategic tool for organizations, offering insights into employee engagement, health improvements, & the program’s positive influence on workplace dynamics.


Give Your Workforce an Accelerated Boost

Our digestive health services offer ongoing and dynamic care that caters to your immediate employees’ health needs. While still providing foundational education, this program ensures a focused and expedited path to enhanced digestive health.

Week 1: Food Sensitivity Test

  • Discover key digestive health markers through testing, gain insights into gut health with educational resources, and identify potential triggers with a focus on food sensitivity.


  • Receive personalized recommendations based on food sensitivity test results, with the option of one-on-one coaching for tailored guidance.


  • Develop a strategic action plan for long-term dietary adjustments and embark on an elimination diet to pinpoint triggers affecting digestive health.


  • Wrap up your journey with reflection on progress, provide feedback through a survey, gain final insights, opt for continued support with 1-on-1 coaching to sustain progress.


Tailor Your Workforce Wellness

À la carte services and add-ons provide an easy introduction to incorporating wellness within your corporation. Start with our essential evaluation services and tailor your workers’ wellness experience with add-on services for boosted impact.


Food Sensitivity Testing




Deliver a food sensitivity test to uncover worker’s hidden intolerances and analyze their baseline dietary health.


Nutritional Recommendations




Jumpstart your action plan with personalized nutritional recommendations based on each worker’s test results.


Expert Health Coaching




Bolster a successful digestive health journey through 1:1 sessions with our expert health coaches for guidance.


We Deliver This Program







Fortify Digestive Health for a Resilient Workforce

By prioritizing digestive health, you’re not just investing in your employees’ well-being; you’re investing in the success of your business. Our tailored solutions are designed to empower your team with the tools they need to thrive.

Unlock your organization’s full performance with our solutions today!








Our Remarkable Difference

I have worked with Discovery Health Services for nearly two years and it has been a pleasure.
They take pride in helping others and treat their employees with respect and dignity.


Discovery Health Services
has done wonders for both
workplace happiness as well as boosting overall performance and productivity. They truly care about what they do and it shows.


We’ve seen significantly less
absences and turnover. DHS excels in enhancing workplace happiness, performance, and
productivity with genuine dedication.